Get Radical

Sonny showing off his guns

We have been invited by The County Office of Education to Learn from Robert Lustig, MD, about his work regarding nutrition. The presentation is aimed at helping us make better informed decisions about the way we eat and the way we feed our children.

*Plus appearances from US Congressman Sam Farr and CA Assemblyman Bill Monning

 When: March 24th 4:30 -6:30pm

Where: New Brighton Middle School Auditorium, Capitola

Lustig says that food manufacturing practices have created a “toxic environment” that dooms children to being overweight.

“Changes in food processing during the past 30 years, particularly the addition of sugar to a wide variety of foods that once never included sugar and the removal of fiber, both of which promote insulin production, have created an environment in which our foods are essentially addictive.”

Kids or no kids it is a presentation worth seeing.

RSVP to to reserve a seat

Catered by Lifestyles Culinary Arts

Presented by the County Office of Education in partnership with Dominican Hospital


Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty minutes of:
5 Handstand push ups
10 Single leg squats
15 Toes to bar
20 Steps on your hands