Thank You Kai!

IMG_7377Kai with a kettlebell overhead.

Just over a month ago, several CFSC athletes showed up at the gym early on a Saturday morning to participate in the Human Race.  We were running to support Every Child Outdoors and to raise money to help students in lower income communities afford participation at the residential Santa Cruz County Outdoor Science School.  Thank you to all that came out to participate!  Every dollar that was raised goes directly to providing scholarships for students in the 2010 - 2011 school year.  The importance of spending a week exploring, learning and discovering outside cannot be overstated, now more than ever.  According to R.A. Wetzel, "In January, 2010, the Kaiser Family Foundation reported that childrenages 8- 18 spend an average of more than 7.5 hours per day using some sort of electronic screen" read more...

Kai gets it.  And for the second year in a row, he has worked to raise money for Every Child Outdoors and outdoor school scholarships.  This year he has raised enough to become the third highest fundraiser for the entire event with 100's of participants.  Click here to check it out! (And you can still donate if you want to).  Thanks to Kai, 90 5th grade students in Santa Cruz County will receive a scholarship towards the outdoor school tuition.  That covers three classrooms and an entire 5th grade class.  We are so, very proud of his efforts.  

Thank you Kai!!

With deepest appreciation,

Heather Mac (and lots of 5th graders)



Handstand practice 45 minutes

Then, 21 rep back squat