CFSC Supports Every Child Outdoors!

Picture1 Creek Study at the Santa Cruz County Outdoor Science School.

At the Santa Cruz County Outdoor Science School 5th and 6th grade students spend a week exploring, discovering and learning through hands-on activities, experiments and games in the redwood forest.  In our community, a week at the Outdoor Science School is a rite of passage for students in their last year of elementary school.  For many students it is their first time hiking in the forest, their first time seeing a squirrel, holding a newt, kissing a banana slug and most importantly, their first time realizing that dirt is cool, hiking is fun and the natural world is truly an amazing place.   For most students a week at Outdoor Science School is the highlight of their school career. 

From a CrossFitter perspective, a week at the Outdoor Science School equals days spent hiking, running, exploring, participating in the ropes course and eating balanced, family-style meals.   For 4 or 5 days students spend zero time sitting in front of a screen (TV, video games, computer) and very little time sitting in general.  For 4 or 5 days students drink water, not soda, and eat hot meals rather than hot Cheetos and Lunchables.   Not only are students connecting with the natural world but they are learning that there is a life beyond video games and they will survive, even thrive, if they do not eat junk food. 

The Every Child Outdoors Foundation supports our community by providing Outdoor Science School scholarships to schools in lower income areas.  Last year CrossFit Santa Cruz formed a Human Race Team and we raised over $4,000.00 to support outdoor school attendance for 200 students who normally would not be able to afford the tuition.   13 local schools benefited from the fundraising efforts of our CFSC community!!  Well its time to do it again!  The Human Race is Saturday, May 8th. 

Two Ways You Can Join CFSC in the Efforts to Support Every Child Outdoors:

1.  Join the team!  Sign up to run the race and fundraise by asking people you know to sponsor you.   After you sign up you will receive an email with instructions on how to set up your sponsorship website.  Even if you raise only $10.00 you can absolutely be a part of the team.  We celebrate every dollar!!

2.  Make a general donation to the CFSC team.

CrossFit Santa Cruz is a strong community and when we work together we can accomplish amazing things!




Five rounds for time of:
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps