Every Child Outdoors

The Every Child Outdoors Foundation (website coming soon), an IRS501(c)3 California non-profit organization, provides financial and advisory support to the Santa Cruz County Outdoor Science School with the purpose of reducing the financial barriers to student attendance.

The foundation was founded on the principle of equity that all students should have the opportunity to experience a week at Outdoor Science School regardless of financial circumstances.

2009-2010 is going to be a difficult year financially for California schools.  With your help, we can raise enough money to help many of the currently participating schools afford the Santa Cruz Outdoor Science School experience next year.

As a team member, you are agreeing to tell everyone you know about our organization and walk/run the human race on May 9th. 

Although fundraising is our ultimate goal, please don't stress about asking people for money.  Whatever you can contribute is greatly appreciated.  Even $5-$10 is a success! 

Of course... there is the prize of a free month membership for the biggest fundraisers :)


Classes are conducted in the forest, at the edge of the creek, in the chapparral, and in the meadow. The most useful tools for learning are readily available: the students' five senses. The subject area most emphasized in this hands-on learning experience is the science of ecology, the relationship between living things and their environment. From an understanding of basic ecological concepts, it is hoped that a deeper concern and sense of reponsibility for the environment will result.

A second and equally important outcome of the program is the social aspect. The 3 Rs are emphasized, respect, responsibility, and reliability, and are reinforced through the sharing of chores and small group living. Sharing cabin living encourages making new friends and dealing with problems as they occur. The students are also encouraged to understand the importance of a positive attitude and the value of being willing to adapt to new settings and situations.

Another value of the program is the opportunity for supervised leadership training and community service offered to high school students who serve as cabin leaders. Information regarding this program can be found on the numerous pages throughout our web site. Have fun!