photo courtesy
Sticking with CrossFit is not always easy. The discomfort of the workouts and the ego check are both very hard to overcome. The the benefits are worth it. When Pat first started CrossFit he would come in and workout for a while and then stop. Returning he would stay a little longer but then leave again. Eventually Pat started a very consistent regimen of nutrition and fitness. The photo above was taken 3 years ago. Can you spot any changes?
Workout: Mike's Gym WOD
snatch: today work up to
70%x3, 75%x2, 80%x1,
72%x3, 77%x2, 82%x1,
75%x3, 80%x2, 85%x1.
if 85% feels good go to 88%,
if you make this go to 90%.
no higher than 90%
We are putting together a CrossFit Santa Cruz team
for the upcoming Human Race in support of Heather's non-profit
foundation, Every Child Outdoors. SIGN UP and join in the fun.