Stephen getting overhead.
Is there such a thing as natural talent? Are we either blessed with a "natural ability" or cursed to be without it? Stephen, for example, came in with no exposure to most of what we do. He had heard of, but never tried, a kipping pull-up. He learned it on his first day. On day two he did his first muscle up. Most would agree that he has natural talent. The question is, how do we define "natural?" Can we learn talent? Can it be simply a result of many hours of proper practice? Perhaps those that come into the gym and learn moves quickly were exposed to similar movements as a child. They have simply logged more hours of learning how it feels to move the body in certain ways. How many of us found CrossFit without a pull-up and now, have the "natural talent" do so. Each one of us can probably think of several friends that would find what we do at CrossFit (regardless of how long it took us to learn) a display of extreme talent.
400 meter run
25 back squats (135lbs)
400 meter run
20 back squats
400 meter run
15 back squats
400 meter run
10 back squats
Accountability Challenge Update
The first weeks results will be posted on Monday.
All participants make sure to log once for each day of the week.