Dave L. pulling 315 for a set of 5 at the Rippetoe Basic Barbell Certification.
Several of the athletes from our community attended the Basic Barbell Certification with Mark Rippetoe at CFSCC this weekend. Two days filled with in-depth, physiological explanations behind the squat, deadlift, press and clean, including many valuable hours of watching, coaching and cueing each other's movements. The amount of information available to learn from Rippetoe is inspiring.
Rip is working alongside Kelly Starrett and Lon Kilgore to create an Exercise Science Certification that may be available early next year. Until then, we have K-Star coming to our gym this Sunday for a day of injury prevention and human movement as it pertains to Crossfit, right after a day with Coach Burgener on Saturday!
In order to keep 'A Day With Coach Burgener' intimate and valuable for each athlete, spots are limited. ONLY TWO SPOTS LEFT. Prerequisites for participation are experience with the clean and jerk and snatch as well as the ability to perform the Burgener Warmup without cueing. Email Hollis at hollismolloy@gmail.com if you would like to sign up.
Back Squat
(Warm up to your max set of 5. Perform max set of 5 three times with as much rest in between sets as needed)