Today is Day 100 of the Burpee Challenge! Thanks to all of you who joined us for this crazy experiment! I don't know if I would ever do it again, but, I have gotten stronger and burpees don't scare me as much as they used to! I also appreciate the consistency of being committed to doing at least my burpees each day. More than anything I've enjoyed the connections I've made with all of you who emailed me your burpee stories! I have to admit that I actually did not finish the Challenge myself as it was meant to be completed. Because of an old injury that I've been ignoring for too long, I was forced towards the end to modify my burpees and do push-ups and squats in their place. But, if it hadn't been for all of you pushing through your burpees, I wouldn't have been able to say that I completed a modified version of the Challenge! Greg, of course, did 50 burpees each day until day 50, and then he did 100 burpees until day 100! So, as a team, I'm guessing we did more than enough!
Below are a few pictures of Chris from CrossFit Central Edmonton doing his burpees at Jasper National Park. Where was the best, worst, most outlandish or fun place you did some of your burpees?
Here is a special 100th Day workout:
4 rounds for time:
25 burpees
25 kettlebell swings (men use 24kgs, woman use 16kgs)
25 pull-ups Post times to comments.
Or, complete 100 burpees for time and compare to your pre Challenge time. Post both sets of times to comments.
Thanks again to those of you who participated and to Becca Voigt who came up with the original Burpee Challenge!
Mallee & Greg