
DSC05990 A work in progress.

Within a span of a week our box has gone from, an empty wharehouse, to an amazing training facility. These improvements were not made by one person, but a vary dedicated few. CrossFit Santa Cruz owes Lief, Scott, Kristy, Matt B, and our own "Mom" Carole a debt of gratitude for all they have done. Thank You for your support.

Now that the box is ready for a test run, it's time to get on the boards. We have many "Open" spaces on our boards which means, to get your name on up, all you have to do in complete the workout as Rx'd. If there is not "Open" spaces then you must beat someones time to get your name up. Mike Burgener is coming now may be a good time to find our max efforts for some of the lifts.

Clean and Jerk
Burpee Challenge: 87 Burpees Today