In the philosophy of CrossFit, there is no final destination. A true CrossFitter never 'arrives' at a level of fitness. CrossFit is a continuous and unending journey that we embark on. No matter what we achieve, there is always MORE to strive for. More weight, more reps, faster times, harder skills... It is a lesson in patience and in perseverance to anyone who is willing to show up. We set attainable goals and work towards achieving them to measure our progress. With discipline (showing up), practice and patience, something that seemed so far from doable at one time can become an achievable goal. Maybe a kipping pull-up is your achievable goal... or a muscle up. Do you have a muscle up? How about linking two or several muscle ups together? Got that? Maybe you should work towards a backwards roll to support or a handstand on the rings. There is always something more...
What's your next goal?
Workout: "Rowing Nelen"
Row 500
15 Overhead squat (95lbs)
Row 500
21 KBS (1 pood)
15 Pull ups
Row 500
15 Overhead squat (95 lbs)
Row 500
Burpee Challenge: 46 Burpees