Undeniable Proof


Olivia's Raw Stats:
Weight Pre-Zone:131 pounds down to 125 pounds
Waist Pre-Zone: 30" down to 28"
Hips Pre-Zone: 38" down to 34"
Mile for Time Pre-Zone: 7:29, down to 7:10
Max Pull-ups: 13 up to 19 (She actually did two sets of 19, she wanted 20)
Max Deadlift: 183 ugly to 183 with room.
She tried 193 twice, and almost had it.

Olivia's stats are very impressive. It seems obvious that
just loosing some weight could make pull-ups or running
easier, but nothing about losing weight makes a deadlift
lighter. What our little Zone challenged shows is that the
combination of CrossFit and the Zone makes humans faster,
lighter, stronger and more agile beings.

No fancy machines, no expensive pills, no contracts to sign,
just eat well (really well) and train hard (CrossFit). The friends,
the pain and laughter, the self confidence; they are
just some of the side effects.


5 rounds each for time:

1 Power Snatch
2 Overhead Squats
3 Snatch Balances
10 feet Handstand walking
20 foot rope ascent
Rest as needed

Try to increase the load each round

Burpee Challenge: 5 burpees today! 15 to buy-in.