Hard At Work


Patrick hard at work training his full range of motion and hand placement on the handstand push-ups.

20:00 of the following:

10 Cleans from the floor
10 Handstand push-ups

Men use 135 pounds and women use 85 pounds. The completion of 10 cleans and 10 HSPU is one round. Post total rounds and fraction of rounds to comments.


Salmon Burger with Salad: makes two 3 block meals

Burger: (adds up to 3 blocks of protein, 3 blocks of fat, and ¾ block of carbs per pattie)
6 oz (5 1/2 blocks of protein) of canned and drained Alaskan Wild Salmon
1/2 oz of grated cheese (1/2 blocks, I used parmesan)
24g of bread crumbs (1 block of carbs, I made my own bread crumbs in a food processor, or you can buy Italian bread Crumbs at the store, but check the label for carb value)
1 clove of minced garlic
Juice and zest from 1/2 a lemon (1/2 block of carb)
Lots of pepper and light salt to taste

Mix all of these ingredients together and form two patties. Heat 2 tsp of olive oil (6 blocks of fat) in a pan and cook the patties about 4 minutes on each side at a med temp. Serve each salmon pattie with a salad that adds up to 2 1/4 blocks of carbs per salad for two balanced 3 block meals. You could also serve it on 2 1/4 blocks of whole wheat bread or bun!