How many of you would love to see your Mom in the gym CrossFitting? So far at CrossFit Santa Cruz, Danielle and Hollis' Mother, Carol, and Leif and Olin's Mother, Sarah are our regular CrossFitter Moms. And, they are wonderful to workout with! Happy Mother's Day to all of you CrossFit Moms!
Eva T of CrossFit Santa Cruz Central and Adrian of San Francisco CrossFit overhead squat.
Jolie of CrossFit One World and Eva T team up during thier lunch time workout on Saturday.
The team workout that the trainers of this weekend's CrossFit Level 1 Certification did during their lunch break was the following:
3 rounds of:
40 overhead squats (men use 95 pounds, women use 75 pounds)
50 pull-ups
60 box jumps
70 double unders
400 meter run
These are the total reps to be completed by each team of two.
There are two people per team. Only one team member can work at the same time except for on the run when both team members run together. Each run and set of movements needs to be completed before the team can move on to the next set of movements. Team members can alternate jumps on the same box during the box jump segment. The reps can otherwise be split up in any way desired between team members.