Chris slowly moves his left hand away from his body as he maintains the bottom of the ring push up, keeping his body tight.
Patrick works his midline stabilization as he inverts on the rings.
The ability to move your own body weight in a controlled manner can be challenging on the rings. It demands strength, flexibility, coordination, and midline stabilization. Chris and Patrick are new this month to CrossFit. While working on the rings is a different kind of athletic feat then they are used to, they are quickly learning that fitness as defined by CrossFit is inclusive of many different exercises and challenges.
Good work guys and welcome to CrossFit Santa Cruz!
Backsquat 21 reps
10 ring push ups
Row 500 meters
Backsquat 15 reps
10 ring push ups
Row 750 meters
Backsquat 9 reps
10 ring push ups
Row 1000 meters
Men use 185 pounds, ladies use 95 pounds. Post times to comments.