

Rowena Arnold in Utah.
"So what can I say about Crossfit.... It is the most challenging, and fun
workout I have ever experienced. I have surprised myself at what I have
been able to accomplish in my own personal fitness and continue to see
progress! Crossfit has made me feel strong, empowered, and motivated to
take on many new outdoor challenges and adventures. I have encouraged
many of my clients and friends to take on Crossfit and they have too
experienced the same life change! Thanks Crossfit!"

Rowena is the owner of Derma Bella Skin Studio in Aptos. Contact Rowena the next time you want to get pampered (or want to pamper someone else!)

For Time:
200m Run
5 Body Weight Overhead Squats
50 Jumping Pull Ups
400m Run
5 B.W. OHS
75 Jumping Pull Ups
800m Run
5 B.W. OHS
100 Jumping Pull Ups