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[googleapps domain="docs" dir="spreadsheet/embeddedform" query="formkey=dFQwTFVHb2FBV0ozR2RSWEtxRlpIQnc6MQ" width="760" height="500" /]Clinic Descriptions and schedule for Saturday,

September 17, 2011:


11:30-12:45 The Kipping Pull-up: Get a pull-up, or make the one you have more efficient.

This clinic will cover the technique, mechanics and shaping of the kipping pull-up. There will be an emphasis on how to use the “kip” effectively to do a pull-up.

The clinic format will be as follows:

• Warm-up and body positions

• Drilling and skill development

• Practice time to apply new skills

• How to make a tape grip

There is no prerequisite for this clinic.


1:00-2:15 Handstands: How to get upside down in your best possible body position, and what to do once you get there.

This clinic will be a second offering of the handstand clinics offered a few weeks ago. No experience with handstands is necessary. Topics covered will include: body alignment in the handstand, handstands against a wall, in free space and handstand walking.


2:30-3:45 Advanced Bodyweight Pulling: You say you want a muscle up? What's that? You have a muscle up, and now you want to do it more efficiently and get fancy with it?

Existing skills: Athletes in this clinic need to have a minimum of 1 strict pull-up, 5 continuous kipping pull-ups and 1 dip.  

This clinic will explore the kip found in the pull-up, aiming to develop a more powerful and efficient kip. We will then work on a variety of pulling movements: The pieces that come together to make a muscle up:

• Establishing the false grip

• Understanding the transition

• The strict muscle-up, and progressions to get one

Athletes with a muscle-up will look at:

• Muscle-up foundations

• Kipping muscle-ups

• Muscle-up variations: cycling and without the false grip

• Bar muscle-ups

The clinic format will be similar to the format of “the kipping pull-up.”

The cost for each clinic will be $20 and will be limited to 10 participants.